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Special Services

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Special Services
As a permanent resident or a foreign national in Canada, you could have contravened the Immigration Refugee Protection Act or the Immigration Refugee Protection Regulation. This could render you inadmissible to Canada, subject to a removal order (deportation, departure or exclusion). If you are in this situation, we have your back and there are several ways that you can extend or continue your stay in Canada legally.
Some common ways of becoming inadmissible to Canada are the following:
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol, also known as a DUI which is very common.
  • Commission or Conviction of a crime in Canada or abroad, which is equivalent to a crime, in the Canadian Criminal Code.
  • Misrepresentation in your application, not declaring your spouse in an immigration application is very common.
  • Inadmissible due to a serious medical condition that puts public health in danger or puts a financial burden on the public.
  • Serious criminality, criminality, organized crime, war crimes etc. are some common inadmissibility's as per the IRPA.
  • Contravention of any section of the IRPA / IRPR can also render you inadmissible. 
Ways to overcome inadmissibility: 
  • Temporary Resident Permit gives you the option to stay in Canada, if you are inadmissible and the risk of inadmissibility does not outweigh the need for you to stay in Canada.
  • Humanitarian & Compassionate grounds, 
    An application for Permanent Resident can be applied, if your circumstances warrant humanitarian and compassionate grounds, such as economic establishment in Canada or a best interest of child. These applications are complicated and require extensive research. We research your case and decisions on past cases, we then determine success outcome and provide you with the best consultation going forward. 
  • Rehabilitation, you may be eligible for criminal rehabilitation or you may already be deemed rehabilitated or perhaps the crime that you have committed is not considered a crime in Canada. We can help you determine the best path forward if you are found to be criminally inadmissible in Canada. 
  • Pre-Removal Risk Assessment, this category is for those who are under a removable order that has come into force and are going to be removed from Canada. If this is your case, please contact us and we can help you with a PRRA application, which if successful will enable you to continue to stay in Canada.
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